Reaching out to our community is essential to the success of our organization. Building strong relationships with community leaders, local media, and school faculties can significantly enhance our ability to achieve the VFW mission.
The VFW Post 4372 Public Relations Liaison plays a key role in strengthening our community presence in two important ways. First, the Public Relations Liaison works to increase the visibility of the Post, helping the community better understand the VFW’s mission, purpose, and goals. Second, the Liaison shares events, ceremonies and daily routines that honor and recognize individuals, businesses, and organizations that support and contribute to the success of our Post.
Stay connected with us by following our daily posts and updates on Facebook and Instagram. Our Public Relations regularly shares important information and news to keep you informed and engaged with everything happening at Post 4372.
VFW Member Meetings - Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 1900 Hours.VFW Auxiliary Member Meetings - Every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 1900 Hours (7pm).SUN APR 19 - Easter Celebration